§ 31-404. ZONING MAP.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The boundaries of zoning districts established by this Ordinance shall be designated on a map or maps entitled the "Official Zoning Map(s) of the City of Suffolk." These maps and all references and dates shown thereon shall be certified by the Director.


    The Official Zoning Maps shall be located in the office of the Director and a copy of the Official Zoning Maps shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. Any changes thereto shall be clearly shown on the Official Zoning Maps when officially adopted by the City Council.


    The Official Zoning Maps and the Concept Map are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in their entirety herein.


    The Official Zoning Maps shall consist collectively of three sets of maps, which maps are hereby described as follows:


    The Official Zoning Map shall consist of data maintained with the City of Suffolk Geographic Information System and shall be designated as the Zoning District Map November 17, 2010, as amended, and said data shall be the official record of zoning status of areas within the City. Land within zoning districts on said Zoning District Map shall be classified as within the zoning district designated therein, which classification shall supersede any contrary designation on the former Official Zoning Map (Subsection (2), below). The Director shall cause said Zoning District Map to be updated as needed or as otherwise by ordinance or law.


    The Official Zoning Map which was effective immediately prior to the effective date of this Zoning District Map shall be referred to herein as the "Former Official Zoning Map." Said map is composed of a series of sheets in the Official Zoning Atlas, properly identified as such, which shall be on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator, and shall be the official record of zoning status of areas within the City. Land shown as within a zoning district on said former Official Zoning Map, delineated in column (A) of TABLE 404-1 (the "Zoning District Conversion Matrix") shall be classified within the zoning district set forth in column (B) thereto for purposes of this Ordinance unless a contrary designation is provided in the Official Zoning Map adopted pursuant to this Ordinance.


    If a zoning district is eliminated (see TABLE 404-1) and there is no corresponding zoning district classification on the Official Zoning Map, the property shall remain subject to all restrictions, regulations and conditions imposed under the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time that the former Official Zoning Map was effective unless and until the zoning classification of the property is amended pursuant to this Ordinance.


    If a property is zoned "PD" or "PD-H" at the time of adoption of this Ordinance, it shall remain subject to all terms, conditions, and restrictions of approval under the Zoning Ordinance in effect when the PD or PD-H classification was approved, including any specific modifications of the then-existing PD or general regulations, and any approved final plans, unless and until the zoning classification of such property is amended pursuant to this Ordinance.


    The Official Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Maps described in the documents referenced in Section 31-415(b) of this Ordinance, which documents arc hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in their entirety herein.


    The Concept Map shall consist of data maintained with the City of Suffolk Geographic Information System and shall be designated as the 2035 Concept Map, April 1, 2015, as amended, and said data shall be the official record of designated "Growth Areas" and "Use Districts" within the City, and shall serve as the basis for delineating the boundaries of the Concept Map as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan.


    A printed copy of the Zoning District Map, November 17, 2010, as amended, shall be retained in the Department of Planning and Community Development and the office of the City Clerk. The Director shall cause such printed copies to be updated as needed or as otherwise by ordinance or law.

    TABLE 404-1

    Zoning District: Former
    Official Zoning Map
    Zoning District: This Ordinance
    Conservation district (C) Same
    Agricultural district (A) Same
    Rural Residential District (RR) RR revised.
    Rural Estate (RE)
    Residential Suburban (RS-1) Residential Low Density (RL)
    Residential Suburban (RS-2) Residential Low Medium Density (RLM)
    Low-Medium Density Residential District (R-1)
    Low-Medium Density Residential District (R-3) Residential Medium Density (RM)
    Medium-High Density Residential District (R-6) Residential Compact (RC)
    Medium-High Density Residential District (R-10) Residential Urban (RU)
    Medium-High Density Residential District (R-16)
    Medium-High Density Residential District (R-24)
    Office-Institutional District (O-I) Same
    Neighborhood Business District (B-1) Same
    General Business Districts (B-2) Same
    Light Manufacturing District (M-1) Same
    Heavy Manufacturing District (M-2) Same
    Public Land District (P-1) Eliminated
    Planned Development (PD) Same
    Planned Development - Housing (PD-H) Eliminated
    Chesapeake Bay Preservation Overlay (CBPA) Same
    Floodplain Same
    Central Business District (CBD) Same
    Historic and Cultural Conservation (HC) Same
    Special Corridor Overlay District Same
    Airport Safety Management Overlay (ASM) Same


    (Ord. No. 10-O-074, Exh. A, 11-17-2010; Ord. No. 18-O-058, § 2(Exh. B), 6-20-2018)

(Ord. No. 10-O-074, Exh. A, 11-17-2010; Ord. No. 18-O-058, § 2(Exh. B), 6-20-2018)