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  • No application for a rezoning shall be certified as complete unless the following information is provided:


    A properly completed and signed application form.


    A narrative description of the property which shall include the parcel identification number and, if only a portion of the parcel is to be reclassified, a legal description, by metes and bounds, of the land to be reclassified.


    A plat of the property indicating the location of the tract and the requested change. Such plat shall be accurate and suitable to identify the property in relation to street intersections or other physical features.


    A statement of the reasons for seeking such amendment.


    Such supplemental material (i.e., traffic studies, environmental assessments, etc.) as may be necessitated by the proposal itself or the district in which located or proposed to be located including, at a minimum, the following:


    An adequate public facilities report consistent with Section 31-601 and Section B-19 of this Ordinance.


    A Major Water Quality Impact Assessment if within the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Overlay District (Section B-13).


    Fiscal Impact Analysis (Section B-14).


    A Traffic Impact Study (Section B-21).


    A Soils Report (Section B-20).


    Environmental Site Assessment.


    INFORMATION REQUIRED: A map showing the actual dimensions of the subject property according to the recorded plat of such property or, where a recorded plat within the chain of title is not available, a map showing the property's dimensions as described in the most recent conveyance of the property. Such map shall contain the following:


    All existing and proposed right-of-way widths of streets adjacent to the property, and all right-of-way widths of streets identified in the City's master street and highway plan as running through the property.


    For properties located wholly or partially within the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District, contour lines, showing at a minimum the most recent contour mapping maintained by the City.


    When the proposed use of the rezoned property includes or proposes land disturbance for residential, assembly, day care, group home, recreation, school, library, or similar type of development where exposure to contaminated soil or water would pose a threat to the public health and safety, the application shall include a Phase 1 environmental site assessment prepared in accordance with the most recent standards adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTME1527-US) and the specifications in the Suffolk Public Facilities Manual. Where deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works, the applicant shall also submit a Phase II environmental site assessment prepared in accordance with the Suffolk Public Facilities Manual. The Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments shall contain recommendations to address any and all adverse environmental conditions of the property, including without limitation, contamination of the soil, surface water or groundwater.


    CERTIFICATION. All applications for rezonings shall contain a certification by the owner that to the best of his(her) knowledge, the application is complete and accurate. This certification shall apply to all plans, environmental reports and attachments accompanying the application. No application shall be deemed complete without this certification. False certifications shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and shall be punishable in accordance with Section 31-310 of this ordinance.


    In addition to the information required elsewhere in this chapter for submission of petitions for reclassification of property, any applicant proposing a conditional rezoning under the provisions of Section 31-305 of this Ordinance shall submit a signed statement as follows:

    "Conditions voluntarily proffered for the reclassification of property identified as ___________.

    I hereby voluntarily proffer that the development of the property owned by me proposed for reclassification under this application shall be in strict accordance with the conditions set forth below. I hereby waive any right to challenge, in any judicial or administrative proceeding, the legality of such conditions or to assert a claim for compensation resulting from such conditions (except where compensation is expressly provided for in the conditions) under federal or Virginia law."